Tarot Vs. Oracle

Tarot Vs. Oracle

Tarot and oracle cards are very similar in the sense that they both come in the form of cards with meaningful images, and a booklet that describes in intimate wordage the meaning behind questions and situations. I want to talk more about their differences and how using them together can prove to be more helpful than using one over the other. However this might also help you discern which deck you want to use in your daily practice if you simply don’t have access to both! 

The distinction between tarot and oracle cards lies in their historical origins, structure, and the way they are utilized for divination. Tarot cards have a well-defined system of 78 cards, divided into Major and Minor Arcana, each with specific meanings and symbolism. Oracle cards, on the other hand, lack a standardized system. They come in diverse sets, each created with a unique theme or intention. Oracle decks offer more creative freedom and flexibility, allowing for interpretation based on the imagery, intuition, and the creator's intention. While tarot tends to follow a specific structure, oracle cards offer a more personalized and fluid approach to divination. Both tarot and oracle cards serve as tools for insight, reflection, and guidance, but their differences lie in the systems they adhere to and the level of structure they bring to divinatory practices. 

Using them together can be really useful in the sense that you can get a specific answer through tarot, and then use an oracle deck to help you see the positive side or the possible ways to integrate thoughts or actions to assist in achieving the desired outcome. During the full moon it is recommended (by me) that you sit with your favorite decks and let the universe and the open portal of Pisces energy give you direct insights on how you can best take care of yourself and your manifestations. The full moon as well as the intuitive energies can really heighten your readings since both offer very insightful and powerful spiritual energy! Let the cards be your guides and your bridge to access inner wisdom and information from your guides.

My Favorite Tarot Decks:

  • The Mind’s Eye Tarot
  • The Good Tarot (traditional but structured like oracle)
  • The Light Seers Tarot

  • My Favorite Oracle Decks:

  • Yogic Path Oracle
  • Woodland Wardens Oracle
  • Oracle of Pluto
  • A Compendium of Witches
  • Celtic Tree Oracle

  • I have so many favorites, when making a decision for using one or the other it all comes down to personal preference, and what you are being drawn and called to use! You would be surprised when you’re at a store or searching online and a deck just screams at your energy that it wants to work with you. You will know when you know. 

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