Boundary Setting, The Throat, New Moon in Scorpio, & A Spirit Guide Meditation

Boundary Setting, The Throat, New Moon in Scorpio, & A Spirit Guide Meditation

Happy Friday, and welcome back (or welcome for the first time) to another week of the Mystic Moss Magick Newsletter. Where we dive deep within and get familiar with our shadow self and explore the magickal world around us! This week we will be discussing the ever evasive world of boundary setting and the struggles we all encounter with this. We will be connecting to our bodies by talking about the throat and its connected emotions and how setting boundaries will allow us a healthy connection to, and functionality of our throat chakras. We will also get in touch with our cosmic world and learn about how the new moon in scorpio happening next week can affect us and how to utilize its energy, and will be finishing the whole thing with a very useful skill we should all develop for our spiritual toolbox, and that is connecting to our spirit guides and how to contact them through meditation! So, without anything further, let’s jump right into this week's themes.

As the holiday season is approaching, whether you find yourself excited or not, this season is a perfect and necessary time for us all to learn about the joys of boundary setting. Boundary setting is helpful in times of turmoil, or times of any simple energy exchange. You use this skill when you do not want to absorb other people’s energy, or feelings. If you have a job that is a lot of communication with customers everyday, you deal with a lot of high energy, or something that is energetically tolling like illnesses, emotional traumas, or even if you don’t have daily energy exchanges but you find yourself feeling drained after a long day then this is a good sign that you need to set boundaries everyday before leaving the house! Everyone is empathetic, whether you are more sensitive to it or not, and in my personal experience and opinion, everyone should be setting boundaries regardless of what you do every day. Some days, even simple tasks like going grocery shopping can be energetically draining because there are a lot of people and concentrated energy in the store and I am easily susceptible to bringing someone else’s groceries home with me, if you know what I mean. 

Setting boundaries can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. A simple and easy practice for someone that has never done this before and is just beginning, would be to visualize a protective energy bubble around you before leaving the house, or if you need boundaries set even while you are home you can visualize this while still in bed before getting up and having interactions with your family. Start your visualization with some grounding, imagining roots growing out from you and to the core of the earth, next imagine a white light coming up from the roots and creating a bubble of energy around you. You can practice this anytime throughout the day. If you are at work and a customer is being undesirable, you can just imagine their words and energy not being able to penetrate the bubble. Simplify this or change it to fit your needs. Now during the holidays when tons of family is around and everyone is energetically dumping, you won’t end the day feeling exhausted from all the energy and hopefully just feel a satisfied exhausted. 

Boundaries are so important in this era that we are in. It is easy for people to want to take advantage of your energy if they notice that yours is made of light. Remember that you do not need to give from an empty cup, and if you are depleted and can’t give anymore then the next best option is to teach this person to take from their own cup by leading by example. Share the simple visualization with them if you feel they are a constant issue in the reason you never have energy. The best way you can help a person is by teaching them and giving them the resources to be able to do it on their own. You may have noticed if you have been really behind on setting boundaries if you are starting to notice certain blockages and dis-ease that are directly related to your throat chakra. The throat chakra sits at the base of the throat and is the energy center that is associated with speaking, listening, boundaries, expression, and truth. It is the fifth chakra in the system, is represented by the color blue and is known as Vissudha in sanskrit. 

An imbalanced throat chakra can come from many things. Not communicating your own needs, not giving yourself time to fulfill your needs, feelings of not being heard, feelings of unworthiness and like your opinion doesn’t matter, not being able to express yourself in your current situation, and so on and so forth. This chakra can usually be remedied by taking some time for self study, and noticing where in your life you feel the most stifled. Is it at work where you aren’t in a position to give your opinion? Is it at home where most of your family members are louder than you? Is it internally where you are insecure about showing or sharing specific qualities of yourself due to fear of something? It is important to show yourself the respect you deserve by putting your voice into the universe. Maybe you aren’t hearing yourself or seeing something for yourself that needs to be seen! You will know your own personal answer when you find it, use your intuition and don’t be afraid of what you might find. 

The throat chakra is also related to a bounty of physical body parts. The thyroid gland, mouth, tongue, jaw, teeth, neck, and shoulders. If you find yourself feeling any physical discomfort in these areas then you might have an imbalance in your throat chakra! Clenching your jaw, tightness in your shoulders, constant dental issues, hormone imbalance, sore throats, these are all dis-eases that come from the emotions that get stored in the throat.

It is equally important to set boundaries within yourself as it is to set them with other people. Don’t stretch yourself too thin during projects, work, social events, etc. This type of behavior can also be a reason a throat chakra becomes blocked. 

As easy as it is to speak about setting boundaries and expressing yourself, it is much easier to start a practice that will help you ease into it and give yourself time to heal. A perfect opportunity for starting is with next week's new moon in Scorpio. New moons signify a time to set intentions and goals that will develop as the moon grows towards its full phase. Connecting to this energy can help with a sense of direction, and help you keep track of which goals are manifesting. This particular new moon is perfect for a rest and regeneration period as it sits in the sign of Scorpio. It also speaks to us about a time of taking external steps as well as internal movement to our goals and intentions we wish to set for ourselves when manifesting our most magickal life. It will be the most ideal for setting intentions and goals for releasing old habits and patterns and seeking necessary changes we need to make for personal growth. (How lucky are we that this will be the BEST time to set intentions for learning how to set boundaries??) 

This new moon is also acting as a guide and showing us the way to self mastery, overcoming our shadow self, releasing doubts and fears, getting intimate with ourselves, and will really help us to find the motivation and the right tools for finding the answers to hard questions we have been asking. Either about relationships, spirituality, career changes, and self-destructive behaviors. It is SO time to let go, as we have been given opportunity after opportunity to continue to work on these things, and we haven’t seen the last of the cosmic events that push us further down this path. 

As we near the end of this week’s newsletter, I just want to mention that all of the above stated topics can be really frustrating and hard to deal with. I get it, and I hear you. 85% of my shadow work and blockages are surrounding boundary setting, and the throat chakra. But, I am now going to speak on something I added to my spiritual practice that made it all “easier”. Not in the way where it was handed to me, but in the way where I felt so lost and then slowly started to gain mental clarity and was shown specific resources I might not have found on my own. You may have already heard of Spirit Guides on your own journey, but this section is for those of you that haven’t become familiar, or have heard it and wish to deepen your knowledge on the subject. Spirit guides are guides that vary throughout our lives, an unseen team that is there for us during all stages of human development giving us the correct tools and showing us paths that we could take to become more enlightened, connected, balanced, or whatever your journey is this lifetime. Some of us might have one guide where others of us have upwards of 10 to 15 at a time, it really just depends on something that is beyond my earthly knowledge. 

Spirit guides can be really helpful to us, especially if we know how to listen and know what to look for. I started out speaking directly to my guides. I still don’t know any specifics on who they are, but stay tuned because I will include a small meditation for finding that out. Anyways, you may not feel comfortable just speaking out loud to the unknown at first, but it’s during those times of feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable that they are really listening and waiting for the opportunity to help you. Just try it! Speak out loud. Literally just say “To whom it may concern” and then let the ball roll where it needs to. Spirit guides respond to us mostly in signs and synchronicities throughout our lives. Repeating numbers, animal messengers, sometimes with really weird “coincidences”, but nonetheless, they speak back to us in a way that shows us potential paths. I say potential because we all still have free will, so how we get from point A to point B is entirely up to us, but sometimes it feels helpless and that’s where spirit guides come in to show us the way. 

You may be curious about who these unknown and mysterious beings are, so I am going to share the meditation with you to add to your list of things to try! Becoming connected to your guides is important in any craft or practice because it can help you master your own manifestations, and understand exactly what it is you’re here to achieve or even things you should avoid. It can be a useful tool for shadow work as well! 

As a disclaimer, during this mediation your guides might not show up as a being for you. Which is totally fine because it isn’t entirely necessary anyways, as long as you receive the message or energy they are trying to convey to you. They might show up as an object, animal, family member, a song, colors, anything that they know will get through to you. So open your mind, your heart and your intuition, take 3 deep breaths and then begin.

  • Begin by using the technique from earlier to ground yourself.
  • Imagine yourself in a huge open field, or any scenery that makes you feel comfortable.
  • Now take a moment to take in the scenery and enjoy where you are. Feel at peace in your place.
  • After you notice your surroundings, imagine an energy approaching you, what does it look like? What does it feel like? Do you notice any colors, sounds, or shapes? 
  • When you are ready, open your eyes and write down anything you saw and then take your time decoding it. 

And that’s all! The effectiveness of any ritual or mediation depends entirely on your intention and beliefs. I hope whatever comes to you is enlightening!

Thanks so much for joining in this week! I hope the information finds you well and you are able to utilize it to your best intentions. 

I have been asked how you can support me for the newsletter. I love just being able to share my knowledge and my thoughts with you all, and if you really wish to support me somehow, then support my small business!

 It’s called @mysticmossmagick on instagram

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Good luck, and I will see you next week!


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